Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Intro to Computers

I will miss this class.

Digital Lifestyle

The changes that brought by the digital lifestyle makes the past technology seem like we were listening to the world as if it was an old fashion wax cylander recording.   The World is faster and getting faster.  We have to keep up with the changes in order to live with the times.  We get our information, music, and social situations through technology at the speed of now.  If we do not be on the recieving end of a Soloar Super Storm, I think we will do fine.
We now can order materials for building constrution, books for the advid reader, even food for the gormet in the household.  This would change how business and industry will be restructured in the near future.  The only drawback I can see is that the unemployment rate will be higher.  The ten to twenty percent UR will be the new morm.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Just watched the History of Windows 1985-2012.  I almost forgot what it looked like in the past.  With the changes in technology over the years, the graphics became more "annimated".  It became more user friendly with the tools that were added.  With Windows 98, we can now lock the computer for security reasons.  Since it started in 1985, Windows grew better.  Now with Windows 8 on the horizon, the graphics seem to be even more better for the consumer.  Since it hasn't been released yet, time will only tell how good it can get once the bugs are out of it.  This should be an interesting Autumn! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

our exam

Since we live in a technology world, we get information fast, we get information in other ways than a desktop. Instead of sitting at the desk at home or office, we could be anywhere to recieve information; messages; our audio; and video. I see desktops obsolete, not in two years- but in four. The electronic centers would be a cemetary of past technology.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Software Application That I Commonly Use

The software application that ususally use is Microsoft Word.  With this productivity software, I can use it for many things.  I use it for my to do lists; letters to friends; letters to the editors of newspapers and magizines; novels; screenplays.  I can store the data untill I could retrieve it.  The three advantages I can see are A) less paper useage, which, in the long run saves on the bankroll as well as saves trees.  B) Saves time.  I can correct mistakes commonly made on an old fashion typewriter and an recently old fashion word processor.  C) The last being, recently I have created a flier for the dear ol' Alma Mater (McCan School of Business and Technology).   We should use it because; since, we are at the keyboard most of the time using the computer, let's use it for all it's worth.  It's faster and we can get back to our lives.